
Running: 23 June 2011 - It's Been a Whole Dam Year

Hello runners.  Well, as ANONYMOUS was so kind to remind me, it has been a year since I started this blog, and it's time to recap, remember, and reveal what I have learned thus far.  A year ago, as a result of some inspiration from a friend who had ran Dam to Dam, I promised the world that I too would run Dam to Dam.  I had just finished watching the movie Julie and Julia which is where I got my inspiration to start this blog.  This collection was to chronicle my findings over the course of a year to discover why people run, and train for Dam to Dam.


Running: 18 May 2011 - Pooped

Wild hares or wild hairs?  Which poses more of a threat?  I guess it depends.  A wild hare cannot make you jump on your bike and crank out a 15 mile ride under a beautiful full moon.  That same hare also cannot make you turn around the next morning and run 10K under the very same celestial orb.  But a wild HAIR can!  And it did! Or was it the full moon? I dunno.  Either way, moon, hare, or hair...I'm pooped today. 


Running: 16 May 2011 - To Cedar...and Beyond!

I was dragging butt this morning getting up.  I'm not sure why, but maybe having the TV in our bedroom is leading to some late night watching...(we moved our room and the family room last weekend so Michael would have a place to sleep and so our bedroom would no longer be a thoroughfare).  Well, the big screen is still mounted on the wall - in our new room.  You can imagine how the kids are enjoying THAT!  But I digress...back to the running...


Running: 14 May 2011 - Playing Catch Up

G'day all,

I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things with running and blogging.  Let me catch everyone up on this past week.  I ran only twice this week due to rain.  Gotta love Iowa weather.  90 plus on one day and humid as hell, then rainy and cold the next.  It's been said, 'if you don't like Iowa weather, wait 5 minutes and it'll change.'